Video 056: 3 Simple Strategies to get out of bed in the morning and be fit

How can you motivate yourself to a) get out of bed a little bit earlier, b) to stay fit and healthy and c) to start the day with the right motivation?

Sometimes it’s not that easy 😉

To go jogging first thing in the morning, go for a walk, do your yoga exercises or do gymnastics don’t just keep you fit, they open the body and mind for the whole day and let you start the day with the right motivation and energy. No matter what’s coming up during the day, you have already done something good and something that keeps you healthy and vibrant!

Here’s 3 simple, DIY strategies on how to have more motivation and energy to get out of bed, keep fit and start the day with the right motivation.

Francis quadratisch ;-)

Francis Herdes‘ Wellness Blog

Skype: Francis Herdes


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